The Bind with Greg Flynn
A podcast for men and the people who love them. It's all about helping men untangle the beliefs and behaviors that keep us stuck, stressed, and in shame.
The Bind with Greg Flynn
Gregory B Flynn
Episode 26
Where do you find your value?
Work? Family? Friends?
What if your value had nothing to do with those things?
How's that for the shortest show notes yet?
I'd love to hear how this lands: or IG: @men.connecting
Links for some things mentioned in this episode:
- Seattle Men's Circle fourth Monday, next Mon, 5/22
- Our six week training - starts Tues, 5/23
- Ep. 5 of The Bind - Naming that out loud (A conversation with Jordan Guido Ferretti) - Jordan is who I co-facilitate with.
Hey guys: Not up for stepping into a group yet?
Sign up for Step Zero!
If you’re a guy who isn’t quite ready to take the step of joining a men’s group or getting into coaching, this is the thing for you.
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Credits: 🎶 by Alex Weinstein at Alex Weinstein Music